"Empower 2010" Bill McClendon

Bill McClendon just makes sense! He has allowed the Holy Spirit to use him as lay person to achieve great things, which is the divine plan for all Christians. He hasn't done anything spectacular or radical, other than grow a church exponentially in a place where you are not supposed to be able to do that. His methods are biblical, simple and most importantly, effective.

Bill McClendon and his wife, Shirlene, were given the opportunity in 1999 to plant a new church in Oklahoma Conference. In 2000, Bill sold his computer software company consulting company into full-time ministry as pastor of South Tulsa Adventist Fellowship.

With a membership no of 800, Adventist Fellowship remains on of the fastest growing Adventist churches in North America. Their tremendous growth is attributed almost exclusively to an aggressive evangelism strategy.

Release Date: 22 May 2014

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Testimony of South Tulsa Adventist Fellowship (1/4)
by · 10418 views · HQ
In this video we hear the inspiring testimony of Bill McClendon and a core group of people that planted a soul winning church called South Tulsa Adventist Fellowship. It started with around 20 people and to dat... (more)
Core Values for Church (2/4)
by · 10636 views · HQ
What is the mission and core values of South Tulsa Adventist Fellowship? Bill explains the reasons why churches moved from an 'evangelism centred' church to a maintenance model called the 'worship centred' mode... (more)
Documentary Testimony and Q & A Session (3/4)
by · 10414 views · HQ
The first part of this video is 25 mins video documentary of South Tulsa Adventist Fellowship. Bill then takes a question and answer session. What type of church worship style? How many days is the church open?... (more)
Evangelism (4/4)
by · 10439 views · HQ
Bill explains about Evangelism and Discipleship. His church has 80% retention rate of newly baptosed. They run 5-6 evangelistic a year. He shared how the newly baptised are moved into evangelism straight away. ... (more)