"What is God's Will For My Life?" by Douglas Na'a

"What is Gods Will For My Life?" by Douglas Naa [LQ]

What is God's will for my life? Often, when we try to answer this question we focus on the "my life" part of the question; What do I get out of this? what's in it for me? But now, let's focus on the first part of the question, what is God's will.

Date Posted: 03 Mar 2011
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AYC 2011
Adventist Youth Conference 2011 is a youth-led initiative to inspire and equip you to be a soul-winner and proclaim the everlasting gospel to this, our generation. The aim of this movement is to turn ... [more]

Video No 6 / 24


Opening Address (1/24)
by · 11233 views · HQ
Opening address by Australian Union president, Pr. Chester Stanley (more)
Intro to Worldwide 777 Concept (2/24)
by · 12778 views · HQ
Introduction to the worldwide 777 prayer concept and official church welcome (more)
Blueprint (3/24)
by · 25380 views · HD
This year's AYC theme is to "Rise and Build". This study explores how to access power for both. Is there a difference between the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and its power? Let's find ... (more)
The Touch of Music (4/24)
by · 20192 views · HD
How to use music in a kingdom building manner? How to use it in a way that God's name will be glorified? Let's find out so that the music we play can touch and move people and ultimately hasten the coming of ou... (more)
Believe & Sacred Music Style (5/24)
by · 20636 views · HD
In the previous workshop, the music as well as lyric need to be considered in our quest to serve God. Now, what is going to be our guiding or directing sort of thing that can keep us on track? Let's find out! (more)
What is God's Will For My Life? (6/24)
by · 16574 views · HD
What is God's will for my life? Often, when we try to answer this question we focus on the "my life" part of the question; What do I get out of this? what's in it for me? But now, let's focus on the first part ... (more)
"Jerusalem" (7/24)
by · 10565 views · HQ
Special item by Tustisala family, "Jerusalem". (more)
For He That Cometh to God - Part II (8/24)
by · 37838 views · HD
Let's learn some Biblical instruction on how to speak to God, how to know and love God more. (more)
Power to Build (9/24)
by · 15705 views · HD
The power needed to "Rise and Build" must first be experienced in our personal life. This study examines the connection between the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, and gives practical insights for a lif... (more)
iDiscover 2010 Report (10/24)
by · 11789 views · HQ
Report and testimonies from iDiscover 2010 evangelism campaign. (more)
"In The Presence of Jehovah" (11/24)
by · 19884 views · HD
Special Music by the AYC Choir (more)
I Cannot Come Down (12/24)
by · 19720 views · HD
When we decide to do God's work many will come to try to distract you. Let's learn from Nehemiah on how to deal with these issue! (more)
Atonement Prayer (13/24)
by · 18267 views · HD
What are the essence, the foundation for a revival? Good message? More knowledge? Holy Spirit? Let's find out from the Bible! (more)
Youth Testimonies (14/24)
by · 13724 views · HQ
Youth testimonies from various churches in and outside of Australia. (more)
For He That Cometh to God - Part III (15/24)
by · 15427 views · HD
Let's learn some Biblical instruction on how to speak to God, how to know and love God more. (more)
Get the Job Done (16/24)
by · 16295 views · HD
Ultimately, if we are serious about finishing the work, we must learnto understand the call of God. This study looks at valuable keys tocoopeerating with the Holy Spirit in fulfilling the Great Commission. (more)
The Place of the Bible in Revival (17/24)
by · 14841 views · HD
We all understood the importance of Revival. Without revival there will be no reformation. But where is the Bible fit into this? Let's find out! (more)
Youth Plenary (18/24)
by · 12261 views · HQ
Over AYC weekend you probably have heard many new initiatives for ministries. Now let's listen to a personal testimony from a young pastor, Pr. Cristian Copaceanu. (more)
Sanctuary Workshop (19/24)
by · 14133 views · HQ
How many of you understand the Sanctuary doctrine? Ellen G. White said that it is one of the core pillar of our faith. If there is one doctrine that we should really know as an Adventist, this is it! (more)
I'll Do It - What Is It? (20/24)
by · 50403 views · HD
This year AYC theme is Rise and Build; however what is it that we need to build? a new church? a new campus ministry? But to understand what is it that God want us to build, let's go back to the source of which... (more)
First Things Last (21/24)
by · 22229 views · HD
As much as God loves His only son, Jesus, God is willing to lose Jesus for us. How much are you willing to give for God? (more)
Seeing The Unseen (22/24)
by · 20007 views · HD
Weak Heart, Weak Hand (23/24)
by · 79481 views · HD
It is unquestionable that when our heart are weak, so is our work for God. Let's find out! (more)


Satan's Worse Nightmare - Part V
by · 11181 views · HQ
Do you ever wish you can give the Devil a nightmare? The Spirit of Prophecy teaches us exact how! (more)
Training the Member
by · 12603 views · HQ
There are many that secretly wish they can do more for God, but don't think they can do it. Here is the good news for you: If you are willing, God can turn you to be a blessing to many! (more)
Keeping Young People in the Church
by · 17801 views · HD
Let’s learn a few simple strategies that you can use to keep young people from leaving your church. (more)
The Bible & Ordination
by · 18540 views · HQ
What does the Bible says about ordination? Is it just simply a cultural matter at the time that only men were chosen to be a priest or pastor? Does it even matter? (more)
Biblical Model
by · 21076 views · HQ
Some are not convinced about the importance of CARE group in their local church. This is because they may not be familiar with the Biblical mandate and reasons.  As we unpack Mark chapter two we see a powe... (more)
Divine Order for Church Headship
by · 12189 views · HQ
The recent famine movement and women ordination has split many churches, Seventh-day Adventist church is no exception. Is there any divine order on this matter? Let's find out! (more)
Effective Biblical Preaching Part II
by · 19393 views · HD
Have you ever had a desire to preach powerfully and effectively? What is the secret to communication and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit? How are we able to preach clearly the messages the Bible has for... (more)
Five Loaf & Two Mites
by · 24652 views · HD
Warren Buffett donated $30 billion to charity without much of a self-sacrificed. Are we doing the same as a Christian? (more)
The Converging Crisis
by · 7501 views · LQ
When Jesus revealed himself to his disciples He said "Peace be unto you, be not afraid it is I". How can we too have peace in this time of crisis? (more)
Risking It All
by · 8301 views · LQ
How much will you risk for God? Here David Gates shares his testimony on the risks he took to stand for God and what happened as a result. (more)
Choose Your Death
by · 7266 views · LQ
"Choose Your Death" is not a pretty title, but this what all Christians should base their ministry on. (more)
My Testimony
by · 15486 views · HQ
Pastor Dan Vis wasn't brought up Adventist. Today, his FAST discipleship program is used by many churches worldwide and his online course has recently passed 5000 students mark. How did it all happen? Let's fin... (more)