"Testimony" by Kaitlyn

"Testimony" by Kaitlyn [LQ]

Kick out of home & homeless at 15 years old of age, Katlyn hated life, but one Adventist family decide to make all the difference.

Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017
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NNSW Big Camp 2017
Videos from NNSW Big Camp 2017.  [more]

Video No 6 / 34


In Step with the Spirit (1/34)
by · 12437 views · HD
We like to get the job done, we like to plan ahead, but how often did we bother to check whether our plan is in line with God's plan? (more)
Seeing Seed Power (3/34)
by · 12011 views · HD
Do u know given the right condition, a 2000 years old date seed will still grow? The Bible teaches to never underestimate the power the seed we can plant to the people around us! (more)
What is Your Desire? (2/34)
by · 15676 views · HD
As a high achiever, Joseph went to the best university, finish first in the army training & got a very good job at investment banking firm, but God has another plan for him. (more)
SPD Mission Offering (4/34)
by · 11309 views · HD
Find out some of the SPD mission projects funded with your tithe in 2016. (more)
Shifting Culture, Changing Methods (5/34)
by · 13310 views · HD
As Adventist we are people of the book, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be liberal in our method! (more)
The Ministries of Angels (7/34)
by · 12798 views · HD
What’s is the job description of Gods’ angels? (more)
Testimony (6/34)
by · 13021 views · HD
Kick out of home & homeless at 15 years old of age, Katlyn hated life, but one Adventist family decide to make all the difference. (more)
Testimony (8/34)
by · 12873 views · HD
Blake grandfather was a pimp; his grandmother was one of the girls working for him. Grows up in far than ideal household, Blake life is a mess. But today he is planting a church in NNSW conference. (more)
Sola Scriptura (Scripture Only) (9/34)
by · 12871 views · HD
Today, we probably think this is so obvious, but back 500 years ago this idea was revolutionary. Let’s find out the story behind its discovery. (more)
Know Your Enemy (10/34)
by · 13379 views · HD
How well do you really know the devil? (more)
Life Changing Devine Appoinments (11/34)
by · 14534 views · HD
A group of students decide to pray every morning for divine appointment, here are the result! (more)
Testimony (12/34)
by · 11494 views · HD
Growing up in broken home, Billy growing up depress and get into all kind of mischief. But one friend refuse to give up on him. (more)
Who Fed the 5000? (13/34)
by · 13071 views · HD
There are lessons on church structure and leadership within this familiar story. Let’s find out! (more)
Testimony (14/34)
by · 12296 views · HD
Sola Fide (Faith Alone) (15/34)
by · 13148 views · HD
Seven years before Luther nailed his thesis, he was climbing the Scala Sancta like many other pilgrims. Then a Bible verse flashes into his mind, and history changed forever. (more)
Creating Missional DNA (16/34)
by · 11189 views · HD
What will take for a church to have mission as their main focus of existence? (more)
Testimony (17/34)
by · 13650 views · HD
As a busy parent of three, Jess & Ben spiritual life is getting dull. Then they decide to read the Bible together every day and everything changes forever! (more)
It's Time To Eat Grandpa (18/34)
by · 15787 views · HQ
What is role of a church pastor? The slowdown of Adventist growth in the first half of 1900s can almost be contributed to this single miss conception. (more)
Testimony (19/34)
by · 12229 views · HD
As a midwife, Eva often work 12 hours’ day. As the result, her spiritual life goes down the drain. (more)
Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) (20/34)
by · 13981 views · HD
The reformation will not be what it is today if it’s not because of the work that bishop did almost a thousand years before Luther. Let’s find out what it is! (more)
Vacancies in Heaven (21/34)
by · 12293 views · HD
At the Cross, the entire universe saw & convinced that God is righteous. Then why are we still here, 2000 years later? (more)
Testimony (22/34)
by · 14845 views · HD
"Do your math of you’ll burn forever in hell" is what Cheree getting out of the Catholic school system she was growing up in. Then ended up in this weird school called Avondale. (more)
Farmer Jesus (23/34)
by · 12462 views · HD
Why is Jesus’ stories most often based on agricultural cycle? (more)
Fishing for What? (24/34)
by · 16430 views · HD
It took Peter 3.5 years to understand why Jesus call him. Is it possible that we also be serving and not really understanding why He called us in the first place? (more)
Solus Christus (Christ Alone) (25/34)
by · 13690 views · HD
 “True faith lays hold of Christ and leans on Him alone” – What did Luther mean by this? And how is faith, grace & Christ fit in together? (more)
The Great Confession (26/34)
by · 13152 views · HD
Do you realise the only evil being that will survive the second coming is the devil himself? The devil lives through the casting out of heaven, the flood and even the Calvary. Why? What possible purpose of coul... (more)
Discipline (27/34)
by · 15037 views · HD
Let’s take a look at the fifth phase, the most often neglected and forgotten phased in the cycle of evangelism in depth: Discipleship. (more)
Peter Walk on Water (28/34)
by · 13104 views · HD
Soli Deo Gloria (Only God's Glory) (29/34)
by · 10837 views · HD
It is a treason for us to think for that our own goodness can possible saves us. But this was a radical idea for the church in the 15th century. (more)
Shameless (30/34)
by · 10841 views · HD
Now that we've learned the ultimate goal of the great controversy, where are we in this spectrum? What are our role? (more)
Moving the Ship (31/34)
by · 12276 views · HD
What can you, as an individual member do to improve your experience personally and to move your church to a more Biblical direction? (more)
The Latter Rain (32/34)
by · 13072 views · HD
The Demoniac (33/34)
by · 15011 views · HD
What is the most effective, yet simple thing we can do as a Christian to share the Gospel to others? (more)


My Testimony
by · 8257 views · HD
From World-Loving Adventist to Leprosy Ministry Volunteer to Three Angels' Medical Missionary (more)
A New Desire
by · 13222 views · HD
Coming from a broken family whose parent fist fighting is the norm, Alex went to school looking to just have fun. Today, he is a committed bible worker. This is his testimony. (more)
From Nullified to Dignified
by · 18030 views · HD
In high school, Alex was bullied and went home crying almost every day. Disappointed that God allowed this to happen he left the church. But God has another plan for him! (more)
Beyond the Veil of Darkness
by · 24763 views · HD
After her baptism, her husband is on a mission to convert her to Muslim, whatever it takes. But God uses this opportunity to sent her as undercover agent for Him in Saudi Arabia. (more)
The Secret of a Confident Woman
by · 11848 views · HD
Can we, as ladies have a strong faith in God if we have no or little confidence in ourselves? (more)
Experience Him - Part V
by · 9182 views · HD
In 2007, as Aenon grows, their current facilities are no longer sufficient. Yet they don’t have the financial mean to move. This is how God miraculously raise the money for them to acquire their new facil... (more)
by · 6038 views · HD
Growing up, Nikki had a legalistic mindset. She focused on her behaviour and how to be perfect so she could reach heaven. This is how God brought her back to more balance views. (more)
by · 5710 views · HD
All glory to God for His marvelous love and healing. Individuals are experiencing transformation in Jesus, our Maker and Healer. (more)
by · 7507 views · HD
Peter serves as an elder in Gateway Lighthouse. He also has a very demanding job in an ASX listed company as a financial asset manager. Here is how God has taught and blessed him to balance his work and ministr... (more)
God Only Knows
by · 14802 views · HD
Beulah had to sneak out to be baptise due to cultural reason. Let’s find out the rest of her story! (more)
Hairdresser Evanglism
by · 9326 views · HQ
As a hairdresser, Saturday is a very important day. But instead Deivson decide to use his hairdressing talent for God’s work. Today he has reached about 400 people. (more)
by · 12229 views · HD
As a midwife, Eva often work 12 hours’ day. As the result, her spiritual life goes down the drain. (more)