"My Testimony" by Obed Soire

"My Testimony" by Obed Soire [HQ]

Obed raise in a stable family of four. However growing up with a sense of security, He doesn't feel the need of a saviour.

Date Posted: 21 May 2015
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
NNSW Big Camp 2015
'Big Camp' is a colloquial term for the annual convention of the North NSW Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This event is held each year at the Seventh-Day Adventist Convention Centre i... [more]

Video No 7 / 30


The Power of the First Witness (1/30)
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What are the secret of the first church that they grew so quickly? (more)
Interview with Brad Moodie (2/30)
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Brad was just an ordinary church member by any measure. However God call him to do a public evangelism. Let's find out what happen next! (more)
Ordination Service (3/30)
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Ordination service from NNSW big camp 2015 (more)
My Testimony (4/30)
by · 13788 views · HQ
Growing in a Christian family, Ashley went to church every week because his parent is going. He wonder through the church and the church's school, but he never knew Jesus for himself. But then something happen,... (more)
My Testimony (7/30)
by · 12296 views · HQ
Obed raise in a stable family of four. However growing up with a sense of security, He doesn't feel the need of a saviour. (more)
My Testimony (10/30)
by · 11841 views · HQ
Give and you shall receive. Let's learn how a minister were able to give away $30k a year for many years on pastor wages! (more)
My Testimony (13/30)
by · 10937 views · HQ
Pr. Rick Sharp share his testimony of his conversion and how he met his wife. (more)
My Testimony (16/30)
by · 11977 views · HQ
Jesus Call to Transformation (5/30)
by · 10292 views · HQ
Do you know that Jesus is intensely interested in the life of local churches? It doesn't matter if your church is a mega church or a small one in the middle of nowhere, He do care! (more)
Revelation & The Convenant (7/30)
by · 14624 views · HQ
The central theme of Revelation 4 & 5 is the concept of the covenant. Let's spend sometimes in the scripture to what the covenant is. (more)
How Great is the Great Multitude? (8/30)
by · 13783 views · HQ
Pr. Renner share his testimony on how he & Pr. David Asscherick becomes SDA! (more)
The Women & The Child (9/30)
by · 9880 views · HQ
Let's study Revelation 12, 13 & 14 which is the high point of the book of Revelation! (more)
The Women & The Children (11/30)
by · 10547 views · HQ
When the unexpected happen, usually resulted in disaster. When we caught off guard, the result can be really scary. God is the God of Love. Revelation 12&13 design to help us to know what is coming, so that... (more)
The First Angel Message (12/30)
by · 9810 views · HQ
Along the east coast of Japan, there were hundreds of ancient stones warning people not to remember the calamity of the great tsunamis and not to build homes below that point. Obviously most simply ignored the ... (more)
The Second & Thrid Angels' Message (14/30)
by · 10521 views · HQ
Love of God & The Seventh Last Palague (15/30)
by · 10407 views · HQ
Enhanced Through Environment - Part I (17/30)
by · 13069 views · HQ
Placing yourself in the right environment can make or break your spiritual experience. It can also enhance your abilities to minister in ways you’ve never considered. Come and learn how in this amazing wo... (more)
Enhanced Through Environment - Part II (18/30)
by · 12805 views · HQ
Placing yourself in the right environment can make or break your spiritual experience. It can also enhance your abilities to minister in ways you’ve never considered. Come and learn how in this amazing wo... (more)
Transformative Teaching - Part I (19/30)
by · 10128 views · HQ
In a relatively short amount of time, Jesus transformed unlearned and uneducated tradesmen into people who caused the learned men of their day to take notice and that they had been with him. Come and learn how ... (more)
Transformative Teaching - Part II (20/30)
by · 12528 views · HQ
In a relatively short amount of time, Jesus transformed unlearned and uneducated tradesmen into people who caused the learned men of their day to take notice and that they had been with him. Come and learn how ... (more)
Awesome Authority (21/30)
by · 9958 views · HQ
We don’t often realise how much responsibility God entrusts us with. He knows what we can do through His strength and through this workshop you will too. (more)
Great Controversy Confirmed (22/30)
by · 18211 views · HQ
A meeting with Pope Francis in July 2014 confirmed what was written in the Great Controversy book written over 100 years ago. (more)


by · 10377 views · HQ
How did the thought of sin first enter the mind of Lucifer, the most beautiful and perfectly made angel of God? How can God transform Himself into a man? These and many other mysteries are not explained in the ... (more)
Play It Safe
by · 12126 views · HD
How many of us have something we passionate about in our ministries, something that you have been uniquely created to do, but failed to do it simply because we want to play it safe? (more)
Worship Seminar
by · 7035 views · LQ
What is worship? Is your church following the Biblical model and principles during your Sabbath Divine Service hour? What can you do to improve your worship time? This seminar is designed to answer all these qu... (more)
The Little Book Opened
by · 10953 views · LQ
Who shall be able to understand the little book? When was the book open? We cannot preach the message for the end time unless we understand the prophetic writings of Daniel. Are you ready to look into the book ... (more)
by · 8718 views · HD
We all have read about how Jesus heal the women who bleed for 12 years – But understanding the language used in the story will bring some insights that we may not have been able to appreciate. (more)
Centre of Influence - Life Hope Centres
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Do you know the concept of centres of influence comes from Ellen White? Now, let's learn the principles behind centres of influence and how it can be used to minister the cities today. (more)
Standing in God’s Grace
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Do you want to strengthen your faith? Do you want God to work mightily in your life? Let's find out how! (more)
New Testament Church Model
by · 23216 views · HQ
By studying the Book of Acts and Spirit of Prophecy, we discovered how the early church had an explosion in soul winning and retention of their members.  We uncovered three critical elements based on the w... (more)
Last Day Event to the New Earth - Part I
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We've all known what the final events will be, but what does Ellen White's council says we should do when time come? Should we fight the Sunday law to the death? Let's find out. (more)
Tried & Made Pure Like Gold
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What will take for us, sinful humans, to obtain strong & pure Christ like character? (more)
High Sabbath Musical Compliation
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Musical compliation by the orchestra and vocal artist from the High Sabbath service. (more)
The Bible & Ordination
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What does the Bible says about ordination? Is it just simply a cultural matter at the time that only men were chosen to be a priest or pastor? Does it even matter? (more)