"How to Give Life Changing Bible Studies - Part I" by Lyle Southwell

"How to Give Life Changing Bible Studies - Part I" by Lyle Southwell [LQ]

If you want to become a soul winner you will need to learn how to give a Bible study. What makes the difference between a boring study and an exciting one? How do you prepare for a study? What do you say or not say? What questions should you ask?

Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010
Select Quality: LQ
AYC 2010 (Video)
Adventist Youth Conference 2010 is a youth-led initiative to inspire and equip young people on a mission to be soul-winners and proclaim the everlasting gospel to this generation. This conference is s... [more]

Video No 1 / 9


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Effective Biblical Preaching Part II (8/9)
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How to Study the Bible - Part II (5/9)
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How to Study the Bible - Part III (6/9)
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Many times, we can read the Bible and miss a lot of the important truths that it has to offer. This workshop trains you to be able to study the Word of God so that you gain a better understanding as well as ena... (more)
How to Give Life Changing Bible Studies - Part I (1/9)
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If you want to become a soul winner you will need to learn how to give a Bible study. What makes the difference between a boring study and an exciting one? How do you prepare for a study? What do you say or not... (more)
How to Give Life Changing Bible Studies - Part II (2/9)
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If you want to become a soul winner you will need to learn how to give a Bible study. What makes the difference between a boring study and an exciting one? How do you prepare for a study? What do you say or not... (more)
How to Give Life Changing Bible Studies - Part III (3/9)
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If you want to become a soul winner you will need to learn how to give a Bible study. What makes the difference between a boring study and an exciting one? How do you prepare for a study? What do you say or not... (more)
Choosing a Life Partner - Part I (10/9)
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Choosing a Life Partner - Part II (11/9)
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Choosing a Life Partner - Part III (12/9)
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How to Win Soul Through Health - Part II (14/9)
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How to Win Soul Through Health - Part III (15/9)
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How can health reach people for Jesus where other ways would fail? Jesus’ ministry was largely made of ministering to people’s physical needs. How can we use public health evangelism as the right ar... (more)


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How to Correctly Interpret the Bible - Part I
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Gaining Decision - Part I
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